In order use Backuptrans software to work with your iTunes backup files on macOS Mojave, you must first grant it permission. Here's how to grant access to your iTunes backup files:
Step 1: Open your Mac's privacy settings by clicking "System Preferences" on the Dock, selecting "Security & Privacy", and then clicking its "Privacy" tab. Alternately, go straight there with Spotlight by pressing ⌘ Cmd + Space and typing "Security & Privacy" before pressing ⏎ Enter.
Step 2: Select "Full Disk Access" from the list of privacy areas on the left hand side of the dialog. You'll see a white pane on the right, showing a list of apps which have this level of access already. By default, the list will be empty.
Step 3: Click the lock icon on the bottom-left of the dialog to enable changing the privacy settings. You'll be prompted for your password or Touch ID fingerprint to permit this.
Step 4: Find Backuptrans app and drag it into the list, or click on the + and browse to its location. Once you have selected Backuptrans app, the Security & Privacy dialog will tell you you need to close and restart the app before the app will be able to read your iTunes backups.
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